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Compilation of Site Suggestions

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 4:58 am
by GoodGuy17

I was going to post a few more suggestions, but I realized I was posting too many, so I am going to put them all in here. The reason behind me posting them now is because I read Codey was trying to make the site better, so I decided to spit out all of my ideas.

Suggestion 1: On the home screen, instead of using Flash to display the scrolling logos, use what was previously utilized, I think it was JS or something (I'm not good with web dev)

Suggestion 2: Make the logo in the top-left corner of the site clickable, to where it takes you to either the Home page or the Community page (you choose, or if possible, make an option in the UCP)

Suggestion 3: Rework the credit economy. Raise prices in the Credit Shop, raise selling prices for downloads, and give out some credits to kick-start. This will give the economy an overhaul and get people motivated in spending.

Suggestion 4: Make the chat live.

CodenStuff, if you read this, please number your post and tell me what you'll do and what you won't.

~GoodGuy17 :D

Re: Compilation of Site Suggestions

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 5:23 am
by Cheatmasterbw
My thoughts on the suggestions
GoodGuy17 wrote:
Suggestion 1: On the home screen, instead of using Flash to display the scrolling logos, use what was previously utilized, I think it was JS or something (I'm not good with web dev)
The animation on the home page looks stuttery when the icons move. The old one was smooth. It is not a major problem, but does look annoying at times
GoodGuy17 wrote:
Suggestion 2: Make the logo in the top-right corner of the site clickable, to where it takes you to either the Home page or the Community page (you choose, or if possible, make an option in the UCP)
I often click on the logo expecting to go to the home page. It seems like a simple fix.

also "top-right" its on the top left, not right :P
GoodGuy17 wrote:
Suggestion 3: Rework the credit economy. Raise prices in the Credit Shop, raise selling prices for downloads, and give out some credits to kick-start. This will give the economy an overhaul and get people motivated in spending.
Some things in the credit shop would be a nice addition, because I almost never use my credits, and I can't use them in the credit shop.
GoodGuy17 wrote:
Suggestion 4: Make the chat live.
I don't see anything wrong with the chat having a little delay; it's only 10 seconds.

Re: Compilation of Site Suggestions

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 5:33 am
by GoodGuy17
Cheatmasterbw wrote:
I don't see anything wrong with the chat having a little delay; it's only 10 seconds.
There isn't anything wrong with it, it'd just be nice for an instant chat.

Re: Compilation of Site Suggestions

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 6:05 pm
by CodenStuff
1. I dont see anything wrong with the flash banner but it may change at some point because I want to redo the home page.

2. What is the obsession with the banner clicking through to the home page lol there is a home page button rite underneath it you know. I will make it clickable.

3. I will be changing the credit system a little and increasing the amount you can 'charge' for file downloads and also adding some new features that use credits like the feature topic feature.

4. The chat is setup to run as fast as possible without impacting the server resources or slowing down the rest of the site and I cant make it go any quicker. I think it works fine for general chatting and I dont think its a hassle to have to wait a few seconds for it to refresh :? ..the only way to make a truely "live" chat would probably be to use flash with some type of server script behind it but they can impact server performance or possibly using an IRC based chat but I havent managed to find a good one yet. If anyone knows of any FREE site chat scripts or services then let me know and ill check it out.

Some site changes are easier to do than others and it can take some time to add them and its bloody hard work maintaining a website so please bare with me and new things will be up soon cooll;

Re: Compilation of Site Suggestions

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 6:12 pm
by MrAksel
I have already posted suggestion nr. 2, but nothing got changed so i hope it will happen now.

Re: Compilation of Site Suggestions

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 11:54 pm
by rocky4126
or possibly using an IRC based chat but I havent managed to find a good one yet. If anyone knows of any FREE site chat scripts or services then let me know and ill check it out.
You can try tiramisu (it's hard to get a copy at the minute, drop me a PM if you want a copy) and you could connect it to or set up your own server. If you wanna set up your own server, I can do that for you for free.