VB 2008 Tutorial - GDI+ Strokes, Color Filling and Shapes

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tvs praveen
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Hi, Now i`m gonna show you how to make your own GDI+ Stroking, Color Filling and Shapes with this tutorial

You can also make your gradient colored GDI+ shapes with strokking and color filling effects!

You can lear a lot to make GDI+ shapes stuffs with this tutorial!

The technique of drawing lines on the Graphics surface is called stroking. A Pen object will follow a line, drawing as it goes, to create the outline shape of the object being drawn. In the case of an open figure, one who's end point does not coincide with it's start point, the line will have distinct ends. For a closed figure, the stroke will be drawn from the start point and continue all around the figure until it reaches the start again and closes the shape.

For enclosed shapes such as rectangles, ellipses or polygons made from arrays of coordinates, the area surrounded by the defined outline can be filled with a colour, a complex colour containing many shades or even a picture. Filling is done using a Brush object.

The GDI+ Graphics object has a set of methods which are specially designed to enable you to stroke or fill lines and shapes. These methods are:


DrawLine. Draws a single line from one coordinate to another.

DrawLines. Draws a series of lines defined in an array of X,Y coordinates.

DrawRectangle. Strokes a rectangle specified by position, width and height.

DrawRectangles. Strokes an array of rectangles one by one.

FillRectangle. Fills a rectangle specified by position, width and height.

FillRectangles. Fills an array of rectangles one by one.

DrawEllipse. Strokes an ellipse defined by position, width and height;

FillEllipse. Fills an ellipse specified by position, width and height.

DrawPolygon. Strokes a polygonal shape defined in an array of X,Y coordinates.

FillPolygon. Fills a polygonal shape defined in an array of X,Y coordinates.

DrawCurve. Strokes a cardinal spline defined in an array of X,Y coordinates.

DrawClosedCurve. Strokes a closed Cardinal Spline defined in an array of X,Y coordinates.

DrawBezier. Strokes a Bezier curve defined as X,Y coordinates for the nodes and control points.

DrawPath. Strokes a Path object. A Path is a collection of lines and shapes in one easy-to-use container.

FillPath. Fills a Path object.

DrawArc. Strokes an arc segment. An arc is a section of an ellipse.

DrawPie. Strokes a pie-shaped area.

FillPie. Fills a pie-shaped area.

FillRegion. Fills a Region object.

The image seen in Figure 1 shows some of the most basic stroking and filling operations you can carry out with GDI+.

To make GDI+ Shapes with Stroking and Shapes like in this Figure 1

Insert this code below Public Class Form1 and debug, You will get amazing shapes with GDI+ Storkes and Color fills Effects!

You can also change color, size, stroking and you can create whatever you wish in GDI+ SHapes with Stroking and Color Fills effects

With this code!
Code: Select all
    Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(ByVal e As PaintEventArgs)
        'Get the Graphics object
        Dim g As Graphics = e.Graphics
        'Draw a line using discrete coordinates
        g.DrawLine(Pens.Red, 10, 5, 110, 15)
        'Draw a line using points
        Dim p1 As New Point(10, 8)
        Dim p2 As New Point(110, 18)
        e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Plum, p1, p2)
        'Draw a polygon using an array of PointF structures.
        Dim pts(19) As PointF
        Dim angle As Single = 0
        Dim x As Integer
        For x = 0 To 19
            pts(x) = New PointF(x * 10, CSng(30 + 15 * Math.Sin(angle)))
            angle += CSng(Math.PI) / 10
        Next x
        e.Graphics.DrawLines(Pens.Blue, pts)
        'fill ellipses over each of the points in the sin curve.
        Dim p As PointF
        For Each p In pts
            e.Graphics.FillEllipse(Brushes.Green, New RectangleF(p.X - 3, p.Y - 3, 6.0F, 6.0F))
        Next p
        'Create a closed polygon, fill it and stroke it.
        Dim poly() As Point = {New Point(20, 50), New Point(200, 100), New Point(200, 50), New Point(20, 100), New Point(20, 50)}
        e.Graphics.FillPolygon(Brushes.Tomato, poly)
        Dim pen As New Pen(Color.Tan, 4)
        e.Graphics.DrawPolygon(pen, poly)
        'Create an array of rectangles, fill them and stroke them
        Dim rcs(9) As Rectangle
        For x = 1 To 10
            rcs((x - 1)) = New Rectangle(80 - x * 5, 110 + x * 12, x * 10, 12)
        Next x
        e.Graphics.FillRectangles(Brushes.RoyalBlue, rcs)
        e.Graphics.DrawRectangles(Pens.YellowGreen, rcs)
    End Sub 'OnPaint

Figure 1 [Screenshot of GDI+ shapes with stroking and color filling effects]


*******************Thanks for reading my tutorial, I think this Tutorial will be most helpful to you!*******************

If you want any custom tutorial for you or you need any help in VS.NET, VB.NET, Software Coding, Designing and much more any help in Computer stuffs just ask me

Mostly i will help everyone in coding and design stuffs in on Computer

- Best regards hehaho;

- Tvs Praveen wahooo;

- Thanks CodeNStuff! for this amazing Website cooll;
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