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Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 4:15 pm
by DreadNought
about the compiler, I know plenty of people who could do that. but they are not on this forum. they're on my msn(Hybrid, Sparkie, Saint etc) but I think that app would have to be coded in a native language. which i'm sure NOBODY on this forum can actually do. maybe some people can do minor native stuff but nothing big.(native C++, asm, delphi, masm etc)


Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 4:21 pm
by Axel
paralyzer wrote:
about the compiler, I know plenty of people who could do that. but they are not on this forum. they're on my msn(Hybrid, Sparkie, Saint etc) but I think that app would have to be coded in a native language. which i'm sure NOBODY on this forum can actually do. maybe some people can do minor native stuff but nothing big.(native C++, asm, delphi, masm etc)
compiler or IDE ? a compiler itself would be pretty hardcore i think :P


Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 9:54 pm
by GoodGuy17
paralyzer wrote:
about the compiler, I know plenty of people who could do that. but they are not on this forum. they're on my msn(Hybrid, Sparkie, Saint etc) but I think that app would have to be coded in a native language. which i'm sure NOBODY on this forum can actually do. maybe some people can do minor native stuff but nothing big.(native C++, asm, delphi, masm etc)
Delphi isn't as hard as you think, but most don't use it anyways. What we use is what is famous. But, what I made bold, is totally and completely false in every way. I am absolutely sure AT THE VERY LEAST 3 people can do it here. Don't underestimate.
Oh, and by the way, everyone can, not all know how.