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Budjut - See where your money is taking you!

Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 4:05 am
by mikethedj4

Budjut - See where your money is taking you!

Budjut is an app that visually shows you your income and expenses. It also gives you tips on how you can save and what tools you can use to invest and save upon the difference. Did I mention it’s free and open source? So what are you waiting for? Checkout Budjut today and see where your money is taking you.






Budjut uses a number of open source projects to work properly:

* Polyrise - Web layout generated with Polyrise
* jQuery - included with Polyrise export
* Animate.css - included with Polyrise export
* Normalize - CSS reset library
* Poly UI Kit - Beautiful and customizable responsive interface library
* html2canvas - Turn viewable canvas into a downloadable image
* FileSaver.js - Client-side solution for saving files
* jsPDF - The leading HTML5 client solution for generating PDFs. Perfect for event tickets, reports, certificates, you name it!
* Chart.js - Simple yet flexible JavaScript charting for designers & developers
* easyPieChart - Lightweight plugin to render simple, animated and retina optimized pie charts
* AlertifyJS - JS framework for developing pretty browser dialogs and notifications
* flag-icon - A collection of all country flags in SVG — plus the CSS for easier integration


Want to contribute? Great!

You can submit a pull request or simply share the project :)

*As of May 30th, 2020 Budjut is no longer an active project.
All updates as of that date and on are solely contributor based implementations.*

Of course, Budjut is free and open source, so you can always fork the project and have fun :)


If Budjut was at all helpful for you. You can show your appreciation a few ways...

1) Check out my Graphic Design Course:
2) Registering on my store as a customer:
3) Buying me a coffee!
4) Purchasing one of my t-shirts:
5) Purchasing any of my art:
6) Donating via PayPal:
7) Donating via SquareCash:$michaelsboost