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Skate Roulette: Skateboarding Game

Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 4:04 am
by mikethedj4
Video Of Me Skateboarding: ... /bgvid.mp4

# Skate Roulette
A fun and interactive skateboarding based card game.



Skate Roulette uses a number of open source projects to work properly:

* Poly UI Kit - Used for the game's user interface
* jQuery - duh
* AlertifyJS - For the awesome and stylish alert notification dialogs
* node-webkit - run web apps as desktop apps
* freesound - Audio provided by


Android: Deprecated
Web Application: Deprecated

[h3]Free Software, Hell Yeah![/h3]
- kodeWeave
- WebDGap
- AngularJS
- jQuery
- io.js
- node.js
- Twitter Bootstrap
- Poly UI Kit
- CodePen

- michael schwartz

As of April 2, 2018 Skate Roulette's development is officially discontinued.

Of course Skate Roulette is free and open source, so you can always fork the project and have fun :)


If Skate Roulette was at all helpful for you. You can show your appreciation by [url=$michaelsboost]Donating via SquareCash
and/or PayPal