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New formatting option

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 10:35 am
by CodenStuff
Small API update

If anyone is currently using or thinking about using the API, I've added a new option which applies to the following modes:


A new parameter has been added called 'texttype' and allows you to change how the messages are recieved, you can use the API as normal but if you want you can now add the extra parameter like so:
Code: Select all
Two options available:

0/Default = Output the message with full bbcode/html code.

1 = Plain text with all the bbcode stripped

Not a huge change but very handy if you just want to display the messages without all the bulk of html code. In the future this parameter will also apply when retrieving topics/posts from the API.

Nice cooll;

Re: New formatting option

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 10:41 am
by CodenStuff
Here's a updated version of the social demo app I made, I've changed it so it now loads the messages in plain text and it loads them much faster without having to deal with the HTML.

Re: New formatting option

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 11:00 am
by comathi
Awesome. I remember those HTML tags being hard to deal with during the Mad March challenge. Nice work cooll;