Replacing array contents not working properly

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I'm doing a system that allows the user to express a vote depending on the button pressed. Currently you can express three types of voting. Each user is saved in a text file on a line, and the last three indices represent the status of the vote; if it corresponds to 0, then it means that the vote hasn't yet been given, otherwise corresponds to 1. The code that I made before performing a search within the file to see if the user has been found, then you save the line where it's found and I go to work on it. In particular I split the row and save the indices of an array. At this point, unless the array to a new variable $line and modify its six index with "1", so I'll have an array with a score performed. I use str_replace to replace the old array to the new file. The problem? Are replaced all the "0" and not just the last one as I have noted, in particular I find a line like this:

user;; Heisenberg; 123; yes; 1; 1; 1;

as if this were not enough, they are replaced indices of all other users in the file and not only those user found. How is this possible?
Code: Select all
$handle = fopen("utenti.txt", "r");
$file = file_get_contents("utenti.txt"); 
$count = 0;
    while(($lines = fgets($handle)) !== false) 
         if(strpos($lines,$_GET['email']) !== false) //email found
            $line = $temp[$count] = explode(";", $lines); //user who voted
            $line[6] = "1"; //index update
            echo "<br>";
            $disable_consulta_provinciale = str_replace($temp[$count], $line,$file);
            $temporary_file = fopen("utenti_temp.txt", "w+");
            fwrite($temporary_file, $disable_consulta_provinciale);
            fwrite($handle, $file); 
Here is the row file example: user;;Heisenberg;123;yes;0;0;0;

user: is the user rank email
Heisnberg: is the username
yes: activation status
0: first votation type
0: second votation type
0: third votation type
I'm in the empire business.
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