Check if string contains Letters?

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Check if string contains Letters?
I'm trying to check if a string contains letters because I need a numerical only string, anyone know how to check if it contains letters?
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Coding God
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Code: Select all
Dim containsLetter As Boolean
        For i = 0 To s.Length - 1
            If Asc(s.Substring(i, 1)) < 48 Or Asc(s.Substring(i, 1)) > 57 Then containsLetter = True
        If containsLetter Then MessageBox.Show("The string must contain numbers only!")
You can replace s by the name of your string, and the messagebox is optionnal.

This uses ASCII character codes to determine whether or not the String contains something other than numbers (anything not between 48 and 57, basically).
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Coding God
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you can also use the isNumeric function:
Code: Select all
if isNumeric(StringVariable) then
end if
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Re: Check if string contains Letters?
Code: Select all
Function CheckForAlphaCharacters(ByVal StringToCheck As String)

    For i = 0 To StringToCheck.Length - 1
        If Char.IsLetter(StringToCheck.Chars(i)) Then
            Return True
        End If

    Return False

End Function
Code: Select all
 Dim Mystring As String = "abc123"
    If CheckForAlphaCharacters(Mystring) Then
        'do stuff here if it contains letters
        'do stuff here if it doesn't contain letters
    End If
##credits stackoverflow
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Thanks, I spent like 30-40 minutes googling but stack overflow didn't popup.
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